The Included partnership held the final face-to-face TPM in Modena on May 9 and 10, 2023.

The partners discussed the latest project phases and the state of the art of the finalised activities and dissemination tools.

The consortium shared feedback on the second and third project outcomes: the e-learning course for teachers and the creation of the Guide for Schools.

The online course is a tool to support teachers in the teaching of sex education, to give them effective tools and in the meantime also encourage reflection on their own attitudes and preconceptions towards sexuality and the values and norms conveyed by society itself, as they can influence the approach to sex education.

The Guide for Schools, on the other hand, was created with the aim of creating a fundamental dialogue between families and the school system, to support parents to play an active and effective role in their children’s sex education and to collaborate with schools to achieve positive and shared learning outcomes.

These useful tools were tested in the partnership countries and the partners discussed their experience.
Finally, the partnership discussed the last activities to be finalised in the creation of the last project output: Policy guidelines and detailed roadmap based on the experience in each partner country of how to implement creative whole-school approach to holistic and positive sex-ed. This result is aimed at school authorities and policy makers to offer first hand, systematized and rigorous information in order to generate informed, bottom-up policies and school strategies regarding curricular sex-ed.

A journey that is coming to an end but which has had a huge impact on every project partner and on students, teachers, schools and families.