The Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (RDPSEA) is responsible for the coordination, the supervision and the implementation of educational policy in the region of Attica, involving around 55.000 active teachers. At the same time, it contributes to the shaping of educational policy, tailoring it to match the specific requirements of the region. The Regional Education Director, from his position in the administrative chain, monitors, coordinates, controls and supervises the work of the Directors of Primary and Secondary Education, who are responsible for 3.776 school units.
The total number of staff of the RDPSEA is 70, paid from Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The RDPSEA includes: a) the Independent Directorate for Administrative, Financial and Pedagogical Support and b) 14 Primary and Secondary Education Directorates. The Independent Directorate for Administrative, Financial and Pedagogical Support, supervising and coordinating the work of each of the fourteen directorates of Primary and Secondary Education, consists of the following departments: Department A’ of Administrative Affairs, Department B’ of Economic Affairs, Department C’ of Human Resources, Department D’ of Informatics and New Technologies and a Legal Support Office.
Other decentralized services of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs under the Regional Education Directorate are: six Regional Centres for Educational Planning, thirteen Centres of Educational and Counseling Support, four Environmental Education Centres.
In the school classrooms of Attica, officially attended almost 500.000 students, there are a lot of cross-curricular activities such as Health Education, Environmental Education, Culture and Arts oriented issues, Emotional Education, Diversity Education, prevention of School Violence etc. Every experiential action sets feasible objectives which focus on the physical, mental and psychosocial development of all children looking towards a society of better cohesion while at the same time mutual understanding, respect for each other and for the environment, and the people’s/ citizens’ sense of responsibility will be increasing.